Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall training at its best

Ahh October. My favorite month of the year. Cooler weather, guilt-free candy eating, pumpkin spiced everything and the start-up of another race season. What's not to love?

But first, let's recap all the goings on since the August post.

1. During the year, I started developing some issues with blisters, seemingly from my running shoes. With the help and patience of the wonderful owners and staff at the new St. Pete Running Company store, I was able to test out several new shoes to find the right fit. Ultimately, I went with these:
The Saucony Kinvara 5

Very roomy toe box to minimize blisters, super light weight and comfy. I went up a size and 1/2 instead of just one for extra room which seems to be working for the most part. As the marathon approaches, I'll rethink a higher mileage shoe but for now, these work well for training.

2. Half-Marathon and Marathon training officially started last month! Woohoo! This becomes a whole new ball-park of running. No longer are the days of 'I think I'll run 4 miles today because I have the time and the weather is perfect.' These distances take a well-thought-out plan, discipline and sacrifice (eeek!). When everyone else is out on a Friday/Saturday night, I'm the one running in the dark, eyeing you, secretly wanting your glass of wine...  Each weekend from now until mid-January will be a pre-determined long run to build mileage. That could be anywhere from 8 to 22. It sounds scary and even though this is my third marathon training plan, it is scary!!

3. Unfortunately life has a way of derailing plans. Bria (my running partner in crime) and I had  successfully built up to 10 miles......when I get hit with the flu. I don't get sick often, maybe once a year, but when it happens, I'm down for the count. Week 1: dying in bed, only getting up every couple hours to work (that's right, no sick days for pet sitters). Week 2: hacking up a lung and snot....everywhere. Luckily, I have a husband who's not grossed out by anything! Week 3: weak as a kitten but otherwise getting back to normal. Soooo 3 weeks of no running then jump back into 12 miles. Hard, but thank the Lord for His strength because I did it! It's all uphill from here...literally.

4. And of course balancing work with play is a must!
                              M and I did a couples painting which now hangs in our living room.

I loved the experience at Painting With a Twist so much (fun fact, the owners are a pet sitting client) I went back to paint the Eiffel Tower.

I completed the task of putting the wedding and honeymoon pictures into albums. Such a great feeling to check that off the list. I'm ready to celebrate our 1 year anniversary in December! Where did the year go??

I also went to Busch Garden's Howl O Scream twice this year! 

 And just this past Sunday, Me, hubby and Bria ran the Florida Road Races Halloween Halfathon.

It was the perfect race weather, plus everyone dresses up in costume so of course I was a cat and Bria Wonder Woman! The event was fun, well-organized and we now have a sparkly new medal.

That's it for October. Have a super fun Halloween and get those miles in!
Until next time, Happy Running!

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